Club Services

  Dining Facilities

We'll open soon.

  Recreational, Sports and Outdoor Activities

  • Gym or fitness center 
  • Table Tennis 
  •  Badminton 
  • Card
  • Tambulla

  Social Spaces

Open space of the club available for any social events.

  Member Services

  • Membership benefits and privileges 
  • Exclusive events or member-only activities

  Educational and Professional Services

  • Workshops, seminars, or guest speaker events 
  • Networking opportunities 
  • Career developmen

Have a question or need any assistance ?

Call at 01732-530132 or reach us at: [email protected] for any issues realted to Uttara Officer's club.

Information Related To


Contact Details

Uttara Officer's Club, Dhaka.
Email: [email protected]
Phone No - 01732-530132